I call this one: The awkward-gazelle attempts a photoshoot


The place we all go immediately and skim in order to swiftly decide Am I in or am I out?

((whispers: you’re in))

So TADA! Here I am.

A messy, nuanced, 55 year old human filled with contradictions (nothing describes me better than tersely-loquacious. I’ll talk your ear off or sit quietly and take it allll in--there’s no in between ).

🤷🏻‍♀️ I strive to consistently tap into my personal vitality—yet I’m an avowed active couch potato. Move daily; love me some stop, drop, plop & Netflix time.

🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m aware what I consume (media to food to friendships) directly impacts how I show up in the worldyet I *still* drink Diet Coke and happily read Buzzfeed.

19 years ago I launched an online brand called MizFit where my mantra was: Fitness isn’t about fitting in.

I blogged, wrote books, hosted podcasts and created videos to remind our community we may all share the goal of a longer, healthier, more vibrant life, yet it’s okay—even encouraged—to carve a unique path there.

Close to 2 decades and a couple of C-Suites later I’ve found myself longing to return to this space.

I’ve found myself organically creating a community of humans who are ready, as I am, to step into our second lives.

We all have two lives. The second life starts when we realize we only have one.

- T. Hiddleston

Individuals who have come together because we are focusing on health for the sake of longevity, habits which facilitate our becoming our strongest, most powerful selves and creating the community we know is the scaffolding for all of this.

It’s time.

As I mentor young professionals and answer their questions about successes in my life I’ve found myself responding:

I was able to (insert anything I’ve successfully completed HERE) because I showed up and was consistently consistent.

And that’s brought me here.

So welcome welcome.

Whether you’re new or we’ve traveled this path together for a while. I look forward to creating connection and continuing together--consistently.

If you know me already you know I’m passionate about healthy living, personal development and bring my unique energy to all I do.

If you’re hearing my name for the first time--Google is your friend. I can’t promise the spark will entirely convey in a search engine but it's all there.

This new journey has been an entire life in the making.

Let’s do this.

Join us if….

💪You want to be part of a community of humans who are ready to stride into their full potential, begin to carve a path to your Future Self and yep at least CONSIDER the power of Picking Up Heavy Things and Putting Them Back Down.

What you can count on in your inbox:

💪 Sunday articles on anything to do with personal vitality, success (however we personally choose to define it) and the consistency needed to get us there.

What you can count on when you stop in to this Substack regularly:

💪 Consistent posts on health, habits and heavy things — we’ll continue the 20+ year discussion around why everything is achievable from a consistent foundation of personal strength.

I’m glad you’re here.

Subscribe to CARLA BIRNBERG | The Consistency Advantage

Weekly posts on health, habits and heavy things — we’ll continue the 20+ year discussion around why everything is achievable from a foundation of consistency and personal strength.


Weekly posts on health, habits and heavy things. We’ll continue the 20+ year discussion around how everything is achievable when we begin from a consistent foundation of personal strength.