Yesterday I had someone say good morning on messenger and that was the only conversation I had all day. Sometimes it scares me how isolated I have become.

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I know this comment resonates with me. I know I am not unique. I know it resonates with many of us.

And the hardest thing and the easiest thing is when we feel isolated it’s a simple as stepping outside and as hard as stepping outside and smiling at someone, we don’t know in our neighborhood.

I am not trying to oversimplify; I know when I’m feeling isolated (Which happens frequently and easily due to the global nature of my job, all day on screens, and being the only one in the USA) Surrounding myself with people, even if we don’t do more than say hello (My community center, my grocery store :-))really is a baby step to connection.

Next step, at least for me, is joining ONE meet up.

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I try to make plans but everyone else has other friends that take higher priority. And the guy I like is like me so it’s been six months and we haven’t met yet. But we talk a lot. My family is all extroverts who forget I exist.

I’ve gotten to the point I’m not sure how to make friends. I just assume they have better things to do.

Being alone is comfortable. And eventually I’ll meet the guy.

This wasn’t meant to be whiney. For the most part I like my life. I just miss having that friend to hang out with.

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Oof… this is a tough one for me. Depression and anxiety make it hard for me push through and reach out. Something to work on!

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I get it.

And for me I’ve found the best small step is putting myself in a place where there are people (my community center hang out area) because as wacky as it sounds I begun to feel that nascent sense of connection even if no one talks to me and I just smile at a few people.

It STILL lifts my mood and makes me feel connected.


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