Well, that's a tough one. When one is attempting to live in the moment – and to recognize and accept the positivity of each moment (I'm alive; I'm not in pain; I have food, shelter, clothing; I'm actually living my best life) – can one not also be an optimist? I see the distinction; you've articulated it well. I'm positive person *most of the time.* And an optimist *most of the rest of the time.* And flailing in the cracks in between.

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This is exactly it in the challenge. I wanted to pass along because… I’m still living in the challenge.

I’m not Monty Python positivity and yet? Sometimes I am that dumpster fire meme.😂🔥

And flailing? That word😍

It’s me a lot of the time and, in my mind’s eye, my visual of it is Kermit the frog arms.


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