I have NOT figured out what my LoE is. After more than 7 decades wandering around this life, you'd think I'd have wanted to know that by now. My gut tells me I know myself and don't need encouragement, but I know that's not true. I like encouragement that doesn't feel like judgment. And I know who gives that to me, often unsolicited.

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I love how you coached yourself through this.


My gut says I don’t need encouragement!!!!!

And I know that’s not true.


What a perfect nuance to identify. The lack of judgment. Because often we expect that to be very, very clear through peoples words and many times it is not.

It is subtle in my world frequently conveyed through body language, more than anything.

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I love this. It’s always frustrated me when I need something or when I try to encourage someone and it falls apart. And I’ve never really put together why.

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And this may be why, or it may simply be enough to spark a different bigger realization on your part.

It was such an epiphany for me when I accidentally got caught up in using my language on someone else.

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Love languages is such a common conversation. We understand that everyone has their own. This needs to be more common too.

I had a friend push what I needed to do when I was trying to process what was happening. It ended our friendship because I wasn’t present in her conversation and I needed to process and then it would have been nice to have a conversation later on what her feelings were on my life situation.

I am more and more realizing that we all react different and what I need.

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And that last sentiment you share, I know is the key to a life filled with contentment.

My daughter was little for some reason I assumed like many kids her love language was gifts.

It didn’t work she didn’t feel like I heard her. She didn’t feel cared for.

Finally, I realized her love language was kind of gifts, but *only* of the homemade variety.

Once I realized that even with my lack of crafting skills, everything got better :-)

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I love that.

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