
Because I choose to live a filterfree life the red car theory made me think of college when I would have friends with a pregnancy scare.

We would marvel now that pregnancy was in the forefront of our minds everywhere we looked were pregnant women.

And it really is the same damn thing.

Also, I adore that notion of the rest of your life being the life of yes.

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I'm pretty sure luck from awareness needs to be my focus. I tend to go through life just going through the motions, but a few things have happened recently that are forcing me to really LOOK at how life comes at me, and at how I move through life. And, for the first time in a few years, my time is MY TIME. Thanks for writing.

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This makes me SMILE as it is (from my perspective) such a huge part of the process or at least it has been over here.

Pausing initially to examine how we are striving to create more luck in our world and then really drilling down into the type of luck we want to attract.

((except for that damn blind luck🙄🙃))

I love love love what you say about “my time is my time.”

I’m curious if you’ve ever heard of the red car theory?

It’s recently gained popularity on TikTok and is, essentially, luck of awareness.

The idea opportunities are abundant, but often go unnoticed because we are not actively looking for them (if you’re told to look for a red car, you start noticing them everywhere)

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Jan 29Liked by Carla Birnberg

I've experienced the red car theory, but wasn't aware that was what it was called. This last year has been my 'year of yes,' and it worked out so well that I'm continuing it. Probably for the rest of my life. But I need to shift my focus a bit. And I shall.

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