Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by Carla Birnberg

I think for most of my life I've been an accomplice, and sometimes that hasn't been a good thing (go along to get along, for example). Since my husband's death, I've found myself in both champion and connector roles, and both feel comfortable. I'm a natural listener, but I know better than to offer advice. Most people don't need it (I think we know what we need to do, we just need to talk about it) or want it. This has been a truly thought-provoking piece, and I thank you for writing it.

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My comment disappeared, and I’m not sure now if that’s the universe saving you from my rambling :-)

But, I’m grateful for you being part of my community as I do often think about you and your reminders to say YES

You’ve also sparked an article about my preference as of late to say NO.


And I think you’re right at times about people not desiring input, but I also surmise you’re really good at listen, listening, paying attention, and then offering:

I’m curious if you’ve considered…


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I do say no, once in a while. I just don't tattoo it on my wrist. HAH!

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Oh my gosh, that made me laugh out loud.

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