I’ve been noticing a shift in myself lately, moving from what I thought was an ambivert to something different. I’m finding that I lean more towards introversion, enjoying silence, solitude and introspection more. Perhaps I was always more introverted than I realized, even though I can sometimes (not always) be outgoing, loving socializing and music to lift my spirits. As I continue to explore and understand myself better, I’m discovering that these labels don’t always fit neatly.

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Woman, you know I saw your name here and couldn’t come over to read the comment fast enough :-)

Really interesting insights as now I’m reflecting on IF I would have called you extroverted and upon reflection, I wouldn’t have. Ambivert for sure, and I think much of that is due to your introspective brilliance when we collaborated.


So many friends say it’s aging that makes us introverts or more introverted but I don’t think that’s what it is. It’s something bigger than that.

Although I can do the small talk on the dating apps with the best of them😂

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Loving this space!

Someone actually pointed that I'm anti people, well, that's not true. I'm seemingly distant from upbeat setups that I'm not mentally prepared for. I have to be ready for those of late 😭🥴 Age, would be a simpler way of explaining this, Its definitely something bigger and more complex.

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Now I’m trying to remember how much younger you are than I am.

I’m absolutely one of those annoying people who proselytize how much better life gets with age. There are those bumps and sometimes super long tunnels where it can feel like it takes forEVAHHHH to make it to the other side – – but it’s worth it.

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Silence. For sure. 🙉

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And I think maybe probably possibly silence if we each had our own book?

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I've learned after my recent experiment of monthly dinner parties, I need two or three DAYS to recharge. I've had those this week, and am now facing four days (including today) with something scheduled.

Ideally, I would have a down day between days with appointments/meetings/events.

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OK, so here’s the question:

Do you know why you need the downtime?

I mean, clearly I’m in agreement with you – – but I’m curious if it feels physical mental both…

I will never forget when Emma was little the first time we came back from a really big multi family party and she looked at me as we walked in the house and asked do you need a slice of silence?

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I need the downtime to recover from preparing for the event and being overstimulated by the number of people. I overdo it up front, always. 😁

If I'm having dinner with one or two people, the aftershock isn't nearly as strong.

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And as I’ve said before, you’re my HEROINE for the way you say YES to things.

I’m really striving to receive invitations where it’s larger groups of people and people I don’t know and be wise about it – – say yes and plan that downtime with a book after

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