Slowly emerging from the studyverse and catching up on your sparkling words! This has me wondering who to ask and thinking I may not entirely like the answers 😁 and love the term FRP!!!

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1. Full confession each time I read those three letters I sing the old timey song OPP in my head. Do you remember that??

Also, I did this yesterday and you are spot on. I did not love the answers, but dang it was illuminating.

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Just went and got my mail from Friday :-) and probably Thursday.

A woman I know not very well I think maybe met once in person decades ago Had asked for my address because she wanted to send me something.

Just opened something, Shanna, what a message from the universe around the priorities.

Here’s the point :-)

Yesterday, I thought that’s going to leave a mark, but you’re right I’m not doing XYZ

Today I think maybe it’s someone close to us and someone who doesn’t know us that well who can reflect this back.

This gift is a reflection people. We don’t even know are noticing… are noticing.

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Love your writing style- thought provoking concept. Not up for that level of self reflection- tonight. But, tomorrow may bring me the courage I need to reflect! Thank you Carla!

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Your comment (and you are not alone in this remark!) has sparked me thinking about way(s) we can come together and do the vulnerable work (that courage. it is a LOT for any of us to do this!).

It reminds me of the Lily Tomlin quote “We're all in this together alone.”

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Oy! You’re asking us to be very vulnerable!! 😬 I wonder if you’re too front row?! I will chew on this and figure out who I should ask.

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I remember years and years ago, reading something and writing about the notion of asking our loved ones:

How could I love you better?

Needless to say that felt the definition of vulnerability and I didn’t ask.

This feels an iteration away from that so I can do it :-)

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