I had not heard of Hafiz until today, which is kind of surprising, considering that my late husband studied the mystics religiously (HAH!) toward the end of his life. I'll have to see if he had any books related to Hafiz.

When one thinks of one's body as one's home, the words one says to and about oneself become even more powerful and important. I know I tend to give myself more scoldings than compliments. I'll be working on that.

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Thank you Carla! I have not heard this quote until just now. I agree with it. Our words and the delivery ( tone of voice , body language etc) make a huge impact on our daily existence!

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I don't know why I am so surprised by the number of people who've never heard the Hafiz quote and yet? it's like all things in life: when we know them or live them or employ them as the backdrop to our existence we assume *everyone* does.

To navel gaze a bit :-) I think there's a greater message here as well.

Masters in Counseling degree Im not officially using I think it's this:

Once we acquire knowledge about something it becomes so integrated into our thinking patterns it makes it difficult for us to remember what it was like when we didnt know it/didn;t have that particular insight.

I almost didnt post this pieces as I figured 'everyone knows the Hafiz quote'

((looks up from navel :-))) there's a reminder here for all of us I think...

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I think this is my favorite article of yours so far. This one really hit home. Pun intended?

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31Author

I need to Google and see if Hafiz is still alive – – I don’t think he is.

I will never forget struggling with something at work.

Tech stuff.

Remote work.

She’s online school.

She was walking past right as I was saying to myself “I suck at this!”

And then she quoted that damn lyrical poet back to me.


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As if I needed another reason to opine the gratefulness for your presence in my life. Maybe I knew these words before? Maybe I didn’t? But I know these words now and have lived them the past 8 years because of you. Thank you for your consistent friendship; consistent nudging; consistent not judging; consistent celebrating with me the silver linings and the big wins. ❤️❤️ Our ‘houses’ are much greater today.

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